Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapist
Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists Biennial Scientific Conference
1st ACOT Research & Country Reflection Day, 28th October 2023
"Evolve to Solve"
Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists
This year, for the very first time, ACOT hosted a virtual Research & Country Reflection Day - a slightly scaled down and informal alternative to the biennial conference. Due to unforeseen circumstances, no country was able to host an in-person or online conference this year. Rather than postpone the conference for another 1or 2 years, the ACOT Executive Committee voted to have a scaled-down “Reflection Day” organised and hosted by a committee on behalf of ACOT. It was hoped the day would provide a chance both for research and learning, but also for reflection and connection amongst the Caribbean nations. The theme of the Reflection Day was ‘Evolve to Solve’, and focused on the evolving role of occupational therapy, and how we as OTs have adapted our practice to meet the challenges and opportunities that post covid life has presented.
The Research & Country Reflection Day was split into two sections: The morning session offered clinicians the opportunity to share and present their research. 7 presentations involving 10 presenters were pre-recorded and placed on YouTube for participants to watch prior to the Reflection Day. During the morning session, the presenters were on hand to discuss and answer questions on their research. Topics varied from oncology, to idiopathic toe-walking, and also included research from our OTs in Trinidad & Tobago.
The afternoon session took a more informal and reflective approach, offering OTs from across the Caribbean an opportunity to reflect on the past 2 years and discuss challenges and opportunities they as an Association had been presented with. The session included informal games, as well as presentations from 7 Caribbean country members (Jamaica were unable to present their reflections due to unforeseen circumstances), where each local OT association and representative were given the opportunity to reflect on a preselected topic, and how this had affected OT practice post COVID.
In total, 33 people registered for the Reflection Day. Although this is significantly less than the attendance at the previous conference, given the circumstances and the scaled down format, the committee was pleased with the turnout. It was also truly an honour to have in attendance individuals who are making tremendous impacts in their respective regions; including Odeth Richardson, who is the Chair of Council for RCOT, and Andre Johnson, who is an OTA and Chairperson for the Commission of Education for AOTA, as well as a member of the South Florida Black Occupational Therapy Caucus. We hope to have our biennial conference to blossom and attract the brightest minds in our profession both regionally and internationally to share their expertise with us.
Of those that attended, most were occupational therapists, with a few occupational therapy students. The majority of the attendees came from Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Haiti, Cayman Islands and the USA.
Overall, the first ACOT Research & Country Reflection Day was a success! A very special thank you to the Conference Committee for all their hard work.
1st ACOT Research & Country Reflection Day, 28th October 2023
"Evolve to Solve"
Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists
This year, for the very first time, ACOT hosted a virtual Research & Country Reflection Day - a slightly scaled down and informal alternative to the biennial conference. Due to unforeseen circumstances, no country was able to host an in-person or online conference this year. Rather than postpone the conference for another 1or 2 years, the ACOT Executive Committee voted to have a scaled-down “Reflection Day” organised and hosted by a committee on behalf of ACOT. It was hoped the day would provide a chance both for research and learning, but also for reflection and connection amongst the Caribbean nations. The theme of the Reflection Day was ‘Evolve to Solve’, and focused on the evolving role of occupational therapy, and how we as OTs have adapted our practice to meet the challenges and opportunities that post covid life has presented.
The Research & Country Reflection Day was split into two sections: The morning session offered clinicians the opportunity to share and present their research. 7 presentations involving 10 presenters were pre-recorded and placed on YouTube for participants to watch prior to the Reflection Day. During the morning session, the presenters were on hand to discuss and answer questions on their research. Topics varied from oncology, to idiopathic toe-walking, and also included research from our OTs in Trinidad & Tobago.
The afternoon session took a more informal and reflective approach, offering OTs from across the Caribbean an opportunity to reflect on the past 2 years and discuss challenges and opportunities they as an Association had been presented with. The session included informal games, as well as presentations from 7 Caribbean country members (Jamaica were unable to present their reflections due to unforeseen circumstances), where each local OT association and representative were given the opportunity to reflect on a preselected topic, and how this had affected OT practice post COVID.
In total, 33 people registered for the Reflection Day. Although this is significantly less than the attendance at the previous conference, given the circumstances and the scaled down format, the committee was pleased with the turnout. It was also truly an honour to have in attendance individuals who are making tremendous impacts in their respective regions; including Odeth Richardson, who is the Chair of Council for RCOT, and Andre Johnson, who is an OTA and Chairperson for the Commission of Education for AOTA, as well as a member of the South Florida Black Occupational Therapy Caucus. We hope to have our biennial conference to blossom and attract the brightest minds in our profession both regionally and internationally to share their expertise with us.
Of those that attended, most were occupational therapists, with a few occupational therapy students. The majority of the attendees came from Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Haiti, Cayman Islands and the USA.
Overall, the first ACOT Research & Country Reflection Day was a success! A very special thank you to the Conference Committee for all their hard work.
15th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 30th to November 2nd & 3rd 2019
Online Platform
"Opening Doors to Inclusion Across the Lifespan"
15th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 30th to November 2nd & 3rd 2019
Online Platform
"Opening Doors to Inclusion Across the Lifespan"
The ACOT conference 2021 under the theme Opening Doors to Inclusion Across the Lifespan was hosted by the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA) on October 30th 2021. The conference was following a virtual format due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
As per revealed in the conference program, participants were able to attend 14 interactive sessions within the paediatric, adult & lifespan and professional tracks, in addition to one presentation from the key note speaker and one presentation from a guest speaker. There were also 8 poster presentations, 7 ACOT country posters, and more. Online Break Rooms were also available for participants and presenters to discuss, and exchange. One major highlight is that the conference content and presentations are also available to all attendees for 30 days after the conference.
Based on the data obtained from the Online Conference Platform (Whova), 123 attendees were recorded for the ACOT 2021 conference. Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy students mostly, but also Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapists and Academic Professors, from Barbados, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Haiti, Guyana, Bermuda, Anguilla, Canada, the United States, Brazil, South Africa and more took part in the conference. The presentation on "Play Across the Lifespan" by Dr. Erna Blanche (PhD, OTR/L,FAOTA), key note speaker, was one of the presentations that participants found the most informative.
Based on a survey done post-conference, the attendees shared very positive feedback with the organisers. Most participants stated that the conference was very well organised, and the presentations and sessions met their expectations. The online platform was very user-friendly, interactive, and it offered networking opportunities for career development.
Overall, the ACOT Conference 2021 was a success! A very special thank you to the CIOTA team for their excellent work. Looking forward to the ACOT conference 2023!
As per revealed in the conference program, participants were able to attend 14 interactive sessions within the paediatric, adult & lifespan and professional tracks, in addition to one presentation from the key note speaker and one presentation from a guest speaker. There were also 8 poster presentations, 7 ACOT country posters, and more. Online Break Rooms were also available for participants and presenters to discuss, and exchange. One major highlight is that the conference content and presentations are also available to all attendees for 30 days after the conference.
Based on the data obtained from the Online Conference Platform (Whova), 123 attendees were recorded for the ACOT 2021 conference. Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy students mostly, but also Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapists and Academic Professors, from Barbados, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Haiti, Guyana, Bermuda, Anguilla, Canada, the United States, Brazil, South Africa and more took part in the conference. The presentation on "Play Across the Lifespan" by Dr. Erna Blanche (PhD, OTR/L,FAOTA), key note speaker, was one of the presentations that participants found the most informative.
Based on a survey done post-conference, the attendees shared very positive feedback with the organisers. Most participants stated that the conference was very well organised, and the presentations and sessions met their expectations. The online platform was very user-friendly, interactive, and it offered networking opportunities for career development.
Overall, the ACOT Conference 2021 was a success! A very special thank you to the CIOTA team for their excellent work. Looking forward to the ACOT conference 2023!
14th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 30th to November 2nd & 3rd 2019
Accra Beach Hotel & Spa, Christ Church Barbados
"Occupational Therapy: Adding Innovation an Creativity to Function"
14th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 30th to November 2nd & 3rd 2019
Accra Beach Hotel & Spa, Christ Church Barbados
"Occupational Therapy: Adding Innovation an Creativity to Function"
The Barbados Occupational Therapy Association (BOTA) hosted ACOT's 14th Biennial Scientific Conference at Accra Beach Hotel and Spa, Christ Church Barbados. The ceremony was opened with our Keynote Speaker Dr. Helene Polatajko who addressed fifty-three attendees who came from all over the Caribbean, USA, UK and Canada. Lots of new information was shared relevant to our theme Occupational Therapy: Adding Innovation and Creativity to Function in the form of 2 workshops, 9 oral presentations and 8 poster presentations.
It was not all work, time was allotted for our social events. The meet and greet was held at the Seahorse Restaurant in St. Lawrence Gap. A time was had! After our second day of presentation the social dinner was held at Tiki Bar. All this was possible thanks to the BOTA, and our sponsors; Carib Rehab Ltd, Gildan, the Lucky Horseshoe, Island Cabs, BTMI, Champers Restaurant, All Contributors to the Silent Auction, The ladies of the Hub of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church-Majorie Riley & Mikala Hope-Franklyn & Accra Beach Hotel & Spa, BOTA Members and Mr. Patrick Bethell.
At the BGM new and interesting initiative arose! The new executive board was elected and installed; President – Rachael Gaunt (Cayman Islands) Vice President – Shenika McIntosh (Bahamas),Treasurer – Melanie Buge continues, (Barbados) Secretary – Ashley Kahila (Haiti), Fifth Member – Calvin Lawrie (Guyana) and WFOT Delegate remains as Raquel Martinez (Trinidad and Tobago). Thank you to the previous executive board for your contributions! We look forward to all seeing each other in Cayman Islands!
It was not all work, time was allotted for our social events. The meet and greet was held at the Seahorse Restaurant in St. Lawrence Gap. A time was had! After our second day of presentation the social dinner was held at Tiki Bar. All this was possible thanks to the BOTA, and our sponsors; Carib Rehab Ltd, Gildan, the Lucky Horseshoe, Island Cabs, BTMI, Champers Restaurant, All Contributors to the Silent Auction, The ladies of the Hub of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church-Majorie Riley & Mikala Hope-Franklyn & Accra Beach Hotel & Spa, BOTA Members and Mr. Patrick Bethell.
At the BGM new and interesting initiative arose! The new executive board was elected and installed; President – Rachael Gaunt (Cayman Islands) Vice President – Shenika McIntosh (Bahamas),Treasurer – Melanie Buge continues, (Barbados) Secretary – Ashley Kahila (Haiti), Fifth Member – Calvin Lawrie (Guyana) and WFOT Delegate remains as Raquel Martinez (Trinidad and Tobago). Thank you to the previous executive board for your contributions! We look forward to all seeing each other in Cayman Islands!
Please see below for presentations from the conference. They will be available till Saturday the 9th of November then moved to the Members only section!
13th Biennial Scientific Conference
November 2nd & 3rd 2017
Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica
"Making Waves and Building Bridges"
13th Biennial Scientific Conference
November 2nd & 3rd 2017
Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica
"Making Waves and Building Bridges"
The 13th Biennial Meeting and Scientific Conference of ACOT convened at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston Jamaica on November 2-4, 2017, Marking the association’s 25th anniversary with the theme Occupational Therapy in the Caribbean, Twenty-Five Years of Building Bridges and Making Waves. Occupational therapists from seven Caribbean islands – Bermuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cayman, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago along with four occupational therapy students from Guyana, members of the medical fraternity, other allied health and education fraternities attended the event.
Between oral, workshop and poster presentations, there were 23 speakers from the Caribbean, UK and the USA. Attendees hailed from the USA, Canada, UK and the Caribbean. Our special Keynote Speaker was WFOT Vice President –Professor Susan Baptiste. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of three government Ministries – Health, Education and Labour and Social Security and a representative from PAHO- all brought greetings. Greetings were also brought by the Dean of Medical Sciences –UWI Mona who recognized publicly that there was an integral member of the health team missing with the absence of an educational training programme in Jamaica and his commitment to work towards changing that.
This year there were several booths showcasing the national associations and a potential employer of OTs which sought to attract practitioners. In recognition of the twenty-fifth anniversary the Call for Papers was extended to other rehabilitation specialties. The presentations were educational, thought provoking and inspirational. Preliminary feedback has been excellent. Also in recognition of the event, a pre-conference OT BLAST was held which saw 20 volunteer OTs travel to St Christopher’s School in Brown’s Town where over 60 children were screened and several registered with the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities. The event was sponsored by several corporate entities.
Finally, delegates were not only exposed to scientific papers but two social events were also planned and enjoyed by all. The Thursday Meet and Greet saw participants enjoying local hospitality, sampling traditional Jamaican foods while dancing to live music. On the Friday night it was off to the Yatch Club for the Dinner Social overlooking the spectacular Kingston harbour.
The Biennial General Meeting was attended by delegates from Cayman, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. There were observers from the US and Canada. Reports were received from the Haiti, Cayman, Jamaica and Trinidad national associations. Reports were also tabled by the WFOT delegate and the President. The new executive was elected and installed – Stephanie Llanos – President – Trinidad; Rachael Gaunt – Cayman – Vice president; Melanie Buge –Barbados continues as Treasurer; Shamika Wright – Jamaica – Secretary and Ashley Kahlia – Haiti –Fifth Member Many friendships were made or rekindled, we look forward to Barbados in 2019 when we’ll do it all over again.
Between oral, workshop and poster presentations, there were 23 speakers from the Caribbean, UK and the USA. Attendees hailed from the USA, Canada, UK and the Caribbean. Our special Keynote Speaker was WFOT Vice President –Professor Susan Baptiste. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of three government Ministries – Health, Education and Labour and Social Security and a representative from PAHO- all brought greetings. Greetings were also brought by the Dean of Medical Sciences –UWI Mona who recognized publicly that there was an integral member of the health team missing with the absence of an educational training programme in Jamaica and his commitment to work towards changing that.
This year there were several booths showcasing the national associations and a potential employer of OTs which sought to attract practitioners. In recognition of the twenty-fifth anniversary the Call for Papers was extended to other rehabilitation specialties. The presentations were educational, thought provoking and inspirational. Preliminary feedback has been excellent. Also in recognition of the event, a pre-conference OT BLAST was held which saw 20 volunteer OTs travel to St Christopher’s School in Brown’s Town where over 60 children were screened and several registered with the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities. The event was sponsored by several corporate entities.
Finally, delegates were not only exposed to scientific papers but two social events were also planned and enjoyed by all. The Thursday Meet and Greet saw participants enjoying local hospitality, sampling traditional Jamaican foods while dancing to live music. On the Friday night it was off to the Yatch Club for the Dinner Social overlooking the spectacular Kingston harbour.
The Biennial General Meeting was attended by delegates from Cayman, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. There were observers from the US and Canada. Reports were received from the Haiti, Cayman, Jamaica and Trinidad national associations. Reports were also tabled by the WFOT delegate and the President. The new executive was elected and installed – Stephanie Llanos – President – Trinidad; Rachael Gaunt – Cayman – Vice president; Melanie Buge –Barbados continues as Treasurer; Shamika Wright – Jamaica – Secretary and Ashley Kahlia – Haiti –Fifth Member Many friendships were made or rekindled, we look forward to Barbados in 2019 when we’ll do it all over again.
12th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 29th & 30th 2015
Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad
"Moving Forward in Health and Education"
12th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 29th & 30th 2015
Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad
"Moving Forward in Health and Education"
The Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapist 12th Biennial Scientific ConferenceOctober 29th and 30th 2015“Moving Forward in Health Education”The 12th Scientific Biennial Conference of the Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists (ACOT), was held from October 29th and 30th 2015, at Trinidad and Tobago. The theme of the Conference was “Moving Forward in Health Education”. The hosting organization was the Trinidad and Tobago Occupational Therapy Association (TTOTA). This was the second time the conference was hosted in Trinidad and Tobago and the first time ever to attract an international audience of over 75 conference attendees.
The conference organizing committee was comprised of locally residing members of TTOTA: Stephanie Llanos OTR, Conference Chair, Aliya Drakes, Conference Chair Assistant, Priya Gomes OTR, Jeanne Sabga-Aboud OTR, Lesley Garcia OTR, Sara Stephens OTR, Shivani Maynard OTR and Tara Riley OTR. Additional support was given from TTOTA members, TTOTA Administration Assistant, Viane Moreau and 18 volunteers.
There were a total of 54 registered conference attendees. These attendees included 27 persons from Trinidad and Tobago, 9 representing Canada, 8 persons from U.S.A, Barbados 4 attendees, Cayman Islands 3 persons and 1 from Jamaica, Haiti and the UK each. Of these 34 were occupational therapists with the rest representing a range of related professions. The programme consisted of 11 oral presentations, 4 workshops, 5 posters and 4 country posters covering topics such as pediatrics, mental health, education, physical dysfunction, wheelchair positioning, older adults and aging.
On Wednesday the 28th of October 2015, His excellencies President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona of Trinidad and Tobago hosted the opening Cocktail Reception on behalf of ACOT at Queen's Hall.
The conference organizing committee was comprised of locally residing members of TTOTA: Stephanie Llanos OTR, Conference Chair, Aliya Drakes, Conference Chair Assistant, Priya Gomes OTR, Jeanne Sabga-Aboud OTR, Lesley Garcia OTR, Sara Stephens OTR, Shivani Maynard OTR and Tara Riley OTR. Additional support was given from TTOTA members, TTOTA Administration Assistant, Viane Moreau and 18 volunteers.
There were a total of 54 registered conference attendees. These attendees included 27 persons from Trinidad and Tobago, 9 representing Canada, 8 persons from U.S.A, Barbados 4 attendees, Cayman Islands 3 persons and 1 from Jamaica, Haiti and the UK each. Of these 34 were occupational therapists with the rest representing a range of related professions. The programme consisted of 11 oral presentations, 4 workshops, 5 posters and 4 country posters covering topics such as pediatrics, mental health, education, physical dysfunction, wheelchair positioning, older adults and aging.
On Wednesday the 28th of October 2015, His excellencies President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona of Trinidad and Tobago hosted the opening Cocktail Reception on behalf of ACOT at Queen's Hall.
11th Biennial Scientific Conference
October 31st - November 2nd 2013
"Occupational Therapy- Opening Doors to Better Health"
October 31st - November 2nd 2013
"Occupational Therapy- Opening Doors to Better Health"
The 11th Scientific session of the Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapist (ACOT) was held from October 31- November 2, 2013 at the Health Services Authority (HAS) - Hibiscus Conference room, George Town Hospital, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. The theme of the conference was “Occupational Therapy – Opening doors to Better Health”.
The Conference Organizing Committee comprised of members of the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA): Kenneth Figueira, Kim Voades, Rachael Gaunt, and Miriam Lam, Latifa Kassam and other members of CIOTA as well as members of the ACOT executive from the islands.
The programme content of the 3 day conference included 4 workshops, 17 professional presentations and 1 country practice poster. The workshops and presentations reflected the theme of the conference which were well researched and showed the diversity of Occupational Therapy in all areas of health. There were also exhibits from regional and Caymanian Health organizations. Attending delegates were awarded certificates of participation at the conclusion of the 3-day conference and presenters were awarded a certificate for presenting. Attendees came from the Caribbean diaspora – the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Canada and USA.
CIOTA hosted a “get together” social at the Holiday Inn Resort where participants enjoyed the local cuisine and danced to the soca beat of Caribbean rhythms. A fun time was had by all.
ACOT business meeting was held on Saturday November 2nd 2013 at the Health Services Authority where a new executive emerged for 2014 – 2015. The next ACOT conference 2015 will be held in Trinidad and Tobago and we hope it will coincide with the inaugural first batch of OT students to the University of Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago.
The Conference Organizing Committee comprised of members of the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA): Kenneth Figueira, Kim Voades, Rachael Gaunt, and Miriam Lam, Latifa Kassam and other members of CIOTA as well as members of the ACOT executive from the islands.
The programme content of the 3 day conference included 4 workshops, 17 professional presentations and 1 country practice poster. The workshops and presentations reflected the theme of the conference which were well researched and showed the diversity of Occupational Therapy in all areas of health. There were also exhibits from regional and Caymanian Health organizations. Attending delegates were awarded certificates of participation at the conclusion of the 3-day conference and presenters were awarded a certificate for presenting. Attendees came from the Caribbean diaspora – the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Canada and USA.
CIOTA hosted a “get together” social at the Holiday Inn Resort where participants enjoyed the local cuisine and danced to the soca beat of Caribbean rhythms. A fun time was had by all.
ACOT business meeting was held on Saturday November 2nd 2013 at the Health Services Authority where a new executive emerged for 2014 – 2015. The next ACOT conference 2015 will be held in Trinidad and Tobago and we hope it will coincide with the inaugural first batch of OT students to the University of Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago.