Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapist
ACOT Executives

Kniquiah Hughes OTD, OTR/L, is a registered occupational therapist practicing in St. Thomas. She is an honors graduate of the Doctoral Occupational Therapy program from the University of St. Augustine. Dr. Hughes is currently the first and only occupational therapist on the island where she opened her practice - Wellness Ave. providing services to people of all ages. She has moved throughout the USA - FL and VA, receiving several clinical experiences in acute care, pediatrics, mental health, and geriatrics. She is excited to be back home and serve her role as the newly appointed Vice President of ACOT.
Kniquiah Hughes OTD, OTR/L, is a registered occupational therapist practicing in St. Thomas. She is an honors graduate of the Doctoral Occupational Therapy program from the University of St. Augustine. Dr. Hughes is currently the first and only occupational therapist on the island where she opened her practice - Wellness Ave. providing services to people of all ages. She has moved throughout the USA - FL and VA, receiving several clinical experiences in acute care, pediatrics, mental health, and geriatrics. She is excited to be back home and serve her role as the newly appointed Vice President of ACOT.

Vice President
Lizzie Knight qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Coventry University England in 2018. After graduating, she worked as a band 5 occupational therapist for the NHS at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham, working with patients who had undergone joint replacements and other orthopaedic surgeries.
Lizzie moved to the Cayman Islands in late 2019 and is currently working as an occupational therapists for a private physiotherapy clinic, supporting adults both in the clinic and in their homes.
She has been a member of both ACOT and the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA) since 2020. She joined the ACOT executive committee in 2022, and has also taken on the role of secretary for CIOTA since 2020. Lizzie was also part of the conference committee who helped organise and deliver the ACOT Occupational Therapy 15th Biennial Scientific Conference, hosted by the Cayman Islands in 2021.
Lizzie Knight qualified as an Occupational Therapist from Coventry University England in 2018. After graduating, she worked as a band 5 occupational therapist for the NHS at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham, working with patients who had undergone joint replacements and other orthopaedic surgeries.
Lizzie moved to the Cayman Islands in late 2019 and is currently working as an occupational therapists for a private physiotherapy clinic, supporting adults both in the clinic and in their homes.
She has been a member of both ACOT and the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA) since 2020. She joined the ACOT executive committee in 2022, and has also taken on the role of secretary for CIOTA since 2020. Lizzie was also part of the conference committee who helped organise and deliver the ACOT Occupational Therapy 15th Biennial Scientific Conference, hosted by the Cayman Islands in 2021.

Ashley Kahila graduated with a Masters in Occupational Thearpy in 2008 from Maryville University – Saint Louis. She worked at an outpatient pediatric facility for 6 years prior to moving to Haiti in 2014. She founded an outpatient clinic offering OT and PT services to children and adults of all diagnoses. After serving as director for nearly 7 years, she transitioned the clinic fully to Haitian therapists and leadership in mid-2021. She then transitioned to a different organization in Northern Haiti assisting with program development to revamp and strengthen an existing therapy program. In addition, Ashley is involved in providing clinical education to OT students, occasionally teaching courses to OT and PT students, fabricating adaptive equipment, consulting with other organizations in developing therapy programs/clinics, and serving on the executive board of the Haiti Association of Occupational Therapy. Ashley enjoys working with various diagnoses and primarily works with pediatrics, neuro clientele, and mental health, specifically trauma and PTSD.
Ashley Kahila graduated with a Masters in Occupational Thearpy in 2008 from Maryville University – Saint Louis. She worked at an outpatient pediatric facility for 6 years prior to moving to Haiti in 2014. She founded an outpatient clinic offering OT and PT services to children and adults of all diagnoses. After serving as director for nearly 7 years, she transitioned the clinic fully to Haitian therapists and leadership in mid-2021. She then transitioned to a different organization in Northern Haiti assisting with program development to revamp and strengthen an existing therapy program. In addition, Ashley is involved in providing clinical education to OT students, occasionally teaching courses to OT and PT students, fabricating adaptive equipment, consulting with other organizations in developing therapy programs/clinics, and serving on the executive board of the Haiti Association of Occupational Therapy. Ashley enjoys working with various diagnoses and primarily works with pediatrics, neuro clientele, and mental health, specifically trauma and PTSD.

Nadia Johnson graduated with her Masters of Occupational Therapy in 2018 from the University of Brunel London (originally The London school of Occupational Therapy) and began practicing in Barbados directly out of university, wanting to jump into working within the occupational climate and culture to which she was born. Her primary area of practice is adult physical disabilities, with a particular focus in Neurology. Her private practice, Independent Abilities, services adults who have experienced a stroke or spinal cord injury, or have various degenerative neurological conditions. Nadia has also always had a love for the water and therefore sought to merge these two aspects of her life; consequently, she is the only certified Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist in Barbados. In the pool, she works with all ages from children to older adults, and all conditions – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis as well as strokes and spinal cord injuries.
Nadia has been a member of ACOT and the Barbados Occupational Therapy Association (BOTA) since she returned to Barbados in 2018. She previously served as Barbados Country rep for ACOT and is the current Vice President of BOTA. Nadia is looking forward to working with the new executive of ACOT and being of service in her appointed role as treasurer.
Nadia Johnson graduated with her Masters of Occupational Therapy in 2018 from the University of Brunel London (originally The London school of Occupational Therapy) and began practicing in Barbados directly out of university, wanting to jump into working within the occupational climate and culture to which she was born. Her primary area of practice is adult physical disabilities, with a particular focus in Neurology. Her private practice, Independent Abilities, services adults who have experienced a stroke or spinal cord injury, or have various degenerative neurological conditions. Nadia has also always had a love for the water and therefore sought to merge these two aspects of her life; consequently, she is the only certified Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist in Barbados. In the pool, she works with all ages from children to older adults, and all conditions – Autism Spectrum Disorder, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis as well as strokes and spinal cord injuries.
Nadia has been a member of ACOT and the Barbados Occupational Therapy Association (BOTA) since she returned to Barbados in 2018. She previously served as Barbados Country rep for ACOT and is the current Vice President of BOTA. Nadia is looking forward to working with the new executive of ACOT and being of service in her appointed role as treasurer.

Floor Member and Newsletter Coordinator
Gabrielle de Villers graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Science- Major in Occupational Therapy, and a Master's degree of Applied sciences in Occupational Therapy from McGill University in Canada in 2012. After graduation, she worked in a pediatric private practice in Canada for 3 years before she relocated to Barbados in 2015. As a self-employed pediatric occupational therapist, she provides services primarily to children and adolescents.
She became a member of ACOT and of the Barbados Occupational Therapy Association (BOTA) when she moved to Barbados. Gabrielle has been the Newsletter coordinator for ACOT since 2019 and was the president of BOTA for the years 2020-2023.
Gabrielle de Villers graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Rehabilitation Science- Major in Occupational Therapy, and a Master's degree of Applied sciences in Occupational Therapy from McGill University in Canada in 2012. After graduation, she worked in a pediatric private practice in Canada for 3 years before she relocated to Barbados in 2015. As a self-employed pediatric occupational therapist, she provides services primarily to children and adolescents.
She became a member of ACOT and of the Barbados Occupational Therapy Association (BOTA) when she moved to Barbados. Gabrielle has been the Newsletter coordinator for ACOT since 2019 and was the president of BOTA for the years 2020-2023.

WFOT Delegate
Megan Brink received her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2014 at the University of the Western Cape in South Arica. She then went on and completed her Master’s which explored and described free experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school. Megan is currently completing her PhD in mental health with at-risk youth in the Cayman Islands. Megan moved to Cayman Islands in 2020 and is currently working at a private paediatric clinic, KidsAbility Clinic, working in clinic, at schools and in the community. She is both a member of ACOT and the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA) since 2020. She joined the CIOTA executive committee in 2024 and has taken the role as Vice President. She joined the ACOT executive committee in 2024 and has taken the role as WFOT delegate for the WFOT conference in Thailand in 2026.
Megan Brink received her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2014 at the University of the Western Cape in South Arica. She then went on and completed her Master’s which explored and described free experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school. Megan is currently completing her PhD in mental health with at-risk youth in the Cayman Islands. Megan moved to Cayman Islands in 2020 and is currently working at a private paediatric clinic, KidsAbility Clinic, working in clinic, at schools and in the community. She is both a member of ACOT and the Cayman Islands Occupational Therapy Association (CIOTA) since 2020. She joined the CIOTA executive committee in 2024 and has taken the role as Vice President. She joined the ACOT executive committee in 2024 and has taken the role as WFOT delegate for the WFOT conference in Thailand in 2026.
WFOT Delegate (Alternate)
Ashley Kahila
Ashley Kahila