Welcome to the website of the
Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists
Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapists
The Biennial Scientific Conference is back to IN-PERSON!!
This is the easiest way to get connected with the OT's in this vibrant part of the world and find out what is happening in our profession. We are always looking for more OT's (both nationals and foreigners) to come or come back home to the region. Look around the site and get involved with ACOT!
On this site you will fine information about:
- The state of Occupational Therapy in the region
- The Association of Caribbean Occupational Therapist (ACOT), how to become a member and its benefits
- The Occupational Therapists' distribution in the English-speaking Caribbean, as well as descriptions of health and OT services in each country
- Opportunities for employment as an Occupational Therapist, for student or volunteer placements
- Special events including the ever popular Biennial Scientific Conference
For the latest ACOT information check out the newsletter in the 'Downloads' Section under the ACOT tab.
Our Mission
To promote the benefits of OT throughout the Caribbean region in creative and innovate ways by facilitating professional growth and development. |
Our Vision
ACOT is the unifying umbrella organisation supporting Caribbean Occupational Therapists to eliminate professional isolation through facilitating education, networking and advocating for the needs of the clients we serve. |